Terrariums (Mini-Landscapes for home decor) — How To Create One — DIY GUIDE 2022

7 min readAug 30, 2022


A terrarium is basically a mini-landscape that you can grow inside your home or office.

Terrariums are miniature landscapes for home decor. They’re a great way to add some life and beauty to your home, and they’re easy to make.

Terrariums can be made from any container (such as a glass jar or an old food jar) that’s small enough to fit in your home with minimal effort. The container should have a lid so that the terrarium can be kept closed until you’re ready to plant it with soil.

Best part about creating your own terrarium?

You can use any materials you have at home. We’ve gathered some of our favorite ideas for making a terrarium using items around your house and garden; even if you don’t have everything on hand right now, these projects will inspire you to come up with new ideas of your own!

Terrariums are a great way to put your indoor garden to good use. They have many benefits, like bringing in some fresh air and light into the room, or giving you the opportunity to grow a little bit of greenery indoors. You can also use them as a decoration for any space in your home that might need some extra color and life.

In this article, We have listed some DIY projects out there that offer step-by-step instructions on how to build them yourself. If you don’t have the time or space to build one yourself, there are commercial options available as well.


Consider the size depending on the species

  • Small frogs can be placed into a pint sized jar, making it very easy to transfer them from place to place.
  • Large trees loam worms burrow near rocks with low humidity. Because they’re not free-swimming, no aeration is needed; these are semi-aquatic creatures.
  • Terraria earthworms go anywhere you want them to. All kinds of worm bodies will work fine, but most likely either an ant would harm them or fail to protect them against other invertebrates such as flies and leeches.
  • leafcutters don’t care where they stick themselves, so long as there’s good food available. These ants have been known to eat over two hundred tiny bits of food every day!
  • Ballerinas have small snouts and eyes, and large paws that make for smooth, delicate skin. They love water, and spend most of their time swimming and eating fish flakes.
  • Occasionally, they like to chew on bark or pebbles. Ballerines do not enjoy chewing, and should never be eaten by humans.

Consider the plant materials

There are many possibilities for making your own terrarium. The type of material you use depends on how much money you have, what kind of plants you want to grow, and what you like about them.

There is no “best” way to make a terrarium. And even what appears to be one method can be broken down into several individual steps.

Consider the space

For your terrarium, you will need room for growth. A glass aquarium is good as long as it’s at least 30 inches (76 cm) wide and 2 feet (61 cm) high. It needs to be taller than an average person might expect.

For plants with tiny roots like fern or moss, a one-gallon container can work.

However, if you are planting vegetables or trees, then you should opt for a larger vessel, as these have more space for root development. An old bathtub or toilet bowl can sometimes be worked with very easily.

If you want to use a sand pot approach, then consider using a plastic bag instead. You can find these containers at hobby stores.

They come in different sizes and they are easy to move around if you do not wish to stay in one place. They also stack well together which is important if you plan to keep many pots warm at once.

Select the terrarium type

There are many different types of terrariums, each with their own advantages. If you want to compare them, this article will help you decide which one is right for you.

There are several varieties of indoor plants that make good homes inside glass or ceramic terra-cotta pots. However, not all outdoor containers are suited to making a terrarium. Plants need plenty of air flow and water should be at least two inches (five.1 cm) deep.

These containers also require a significant amount of attention as they must be cleaned out regularly. In addition, the pots may have intricate details that could pose difficulties for some beginners.

Buy a good plant

Choose a plant with lots of life in it-if you put a junkie in a closet, he’s going to die within two hours. A weed also works well, but if you choose a flower, let it live at its peak for as long as possible.

Also, the best plants take a while to grow, so buy something nice that will keep growing for months. there are millions of wonderful plants out there!

Set up the terrarium

In order to set up your terrarium, you’ll need some pots for plants, an air pump (to keep water moist), soil, and all kinds of organisms.

The number one rule in gardening is to never put dirt in the air! Contain it, collect it, clean out vessels that have soil or dust in them, get it off windows, flat surfaces, etc.

The first thing you want to do is find a place where you can happily spend time doing what you love most-working with your hands.

Consider buying a container garden or community garden plot. These often come with tools and watering stations already provided, so you don’t have to buy those items separately.

Feed the plants

Plants grow their own food, but they can get hungry quickly if they don’t have enough access to insects, fruits, nuts or other foods. When your terrarium needs new life, you need to think about feeding it, either directly, or via pollination.

There are many ways to feed your plants, including dropping dried meal or sugar into the water of your terrarium container.

You can also buy planting mixes that include tiny seeds people can choose for themselves. There are even kits where you can put in soil and start growing seedlings.

All of these methods work well, except when you want to use them.

Growing plants from seeds is an excellent way to save money, while still having some control over what you feed your terrarium. You just have to keep track of how much everything costs so you know how much to give it.

Clean the terrarium

Before you add anything to your terrarium, it is good idea to clean out any old soil or other material. This can help make it easier to find spots for new plants.

It also helps prevent plants from being lost during a rainstorm or sudden windburst.

These are usually small places that look very difficult to access, but cleaning them out can help make them easier to plant. Be sure not to over-clean! You want there to be some leftover material so that when you water the garden, the root system has somewhere to grow.

Also, since this will be the only place they grow in your garden, save some of the dirt from outside the cavity to put in here. This way you can ensure they have enough time to adjust to their new home before you send them back outside.

Help the plants grow

One of the most popular ways to enjoy terraria is by creating a ‘living’ glass aquarium where aquatic plants thrive. The problem with this setup is that it takes very little effort to maintain, keeps the tank lively, and drains away much needed energy which results in sickly plants.

Plants need nitrogen oxide (N2O) to convert sunlight and carbon dioxide into glucose, their main source of energy.

Nitrogen oxide is also responsible for many other important processes such as fruit/tree growth, so if you try to remove it from the plant, they will stop growing.

In addition to being a valuable asset for fish and insects, aquatics have been known to help reduce stress and anxiety, calm nerves, help sleeping children, and improve general health and wellbeing.

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Written by 💥LarsonReever🇺🇸

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